Priority Road Winter Maintenance

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Yellow Lines - Mavis Yard
area between and including Dundas Street and Eglinton Avenue

Red Lines - Meadowvale Yard
area north of Eglinton Avenue and west of [and including] Mavis Road

Blue Lines - Malton Yard
area north of Eglinton Avenue and east of Mavis Road

Green Lines - Clarkson Yard
area south of Dundas Street
Major roads and collector routes, represented by any thick coloured lines, are cleared by the City first to ensure that residents, and emergency service vehicles like fire trucks and ambulances, can safely travel to hospitals, schools, work and get to public transportation systems during or immediately after a snowfall.

Type of Road Less than 5 cm of snow 5 to 15 cm of snow 15 to 30 cm of snow More than 30 cm of snow or back-to-back storms
Major and priority roads Salted within 12 hours after the end of a snow fall Plowed and salted within 12 hours after the end of a snow fall Plowed and salted within 24 hours after the end of a snow fall Plowed and salted more than 24 hours after the end of a snowfall

These roads are cleared to bare pavement.

Local Residential Streets

Once major roads, on-street bike lanes, priority sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, bus stops and roadside multi-use trails are clear, then crews focus on clearing residential roads and secondary streets.

These streets do not receive the same level of service as priority roads.

Type of Road Less than 5 cm of snow 5 to 15 cm of snow 15 to 30 cm of snow More than 30 cm of snow or back-to-back storms
Residential and secondary roads Salted within 24 hours after the end of a snow fall Plowed and salted within 24 hours after the end of a snow fall Plowed and salted within 36 hours after the end of a snow fall Plowed and salted more than 36 hours after the end of a snowfall

Bare pavement may not be achievable on these roads. The City's objective is to make these roads passable and safe. Some snow pack may be left